Star Wars: Battle of Jakku – Insurgency Rising #1

Marvel Comics

Written by Alex Segura

Art by Leonard Kirk and Stefano Rafaele

Colors by Rachelle Rosenberg and Alex Sinclair

Letters by Joe Caramagna

The Rundown: Following the fall of the Empire, the former Rebels fight to maintain peace against a new threat.

Last Resorts

As Leia and the rest of the rebels celebrate the decisive victory against the empire on Endor, a B-Wing pilot barely escapes the relentless force of an Imperial Moff determined to snatch victory from the hands of defeat. A Moff who will use whatever means, including dark side users, to restore the empire. At the same time, Leia deals with her complicated feelings towards her father while trying to determine what kind of republic their victory will create.

A thrilling and entertaining story filled with the energy of victory and the complications that come with it. I like that Segura is sending the message that even success can be messy and that one victory doesn’t end the conflict. It’s going to be interesting to see how these events play out in this series.

The art is beautifully detailed and has a wonderful balance with the thrills of the action and emotional beats with the characters. I really loved the Leia moments at the funeral pyre for Vader.

The Rising

Moff Ubrik Adelhard had a lust for power from a young age and the empire became the perfect vehicle to both gain and wield that growing thirst. A thirst that would take him from obscurity as a storm trooper to the heights of imperial power with a deadly and decisive decision that would cost millions of lives. An act that would not only solidify his philosophy about power but bring him to the attention of Darth Vader himself.

Segura crafts a wonderfully dark and interesting creation of a villain in this story. It’s great in its subtlety and shows how it doesn’t take big moments, but a series of them to create a zealot. I like that the character is methodical and took inspiration from those he served under including Thrawn and Vader. I am intrigued by the character and what he will do next.

The art is dark and wonderfully detailed. It perfectly captures the dark tone of the story.

Star Wars: Battle of Jakku – Insurgency Rising #1



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